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Hey It’s Good to be back home again!

My wife and I just got back home from traveling to Canada. What an adventure it was!

As we gazed upon the snowy peaks of the Canadian Rockies, I couldn't help but think about the late, great, John Denver. Song after song came into our minds as we visited Jasper, Banff, and Calgary among others. Oh, how blessed we were!

I've always been inspired by the singer/songwriters like John Denver, Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Gordon Lightfoot, Donovan, Dolly Parton, Merle Haggard, Carol King ... the list is huge. Don't get me wrong...I enjoy a good singing voice just like most folks. But, to me, it's the folks that can pen an inspirational poem and then top it off with a creative tune that inspire me most. Even the writers whose voices aren't necessarily polished and perfect inspire me more than those folks who sing tunes that weren't penned by them. There's just something that speaks to me more when a creator presents a song inspired by something that happened in their own lives.

I consider myself a songwriter more than a singer. I'm no Kris Kristofferson, but my songs do come from my personal experiences. I absolutely love being inspired by something and then putting that inspiration into a tune. I don't write books, songs, or poems for the money. I certainly don't do it for fame. But I do enjoy sharing my creations with others.

That said, just released two new collections of songs earlier this year and published my first book, Zuvia, on Amazon as well. If just one other person hears my music or reads my book ... and from that, gets inspired to create something themselves... or hears something that perhaps helps them to cope with an addiction ... or if just one person smiles while reading or listening... THAT is what makes me fly. Just one person.

I hope you are able to hear something you like in my songs. I am told I have a wide variety of styles. If you have a chance, stop over at my website sometime (https:// and check out my variety of music genres. The site also links to my book on Amazon and my artwork available on ArtPal. I hope I can make you smile or give you some inspiration.

Thanks for being a fan! Ronny Starmer

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