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In this world today, there's way too much focus on "me-ness". I've been watching the transformation over the last 50 years. It started subtly in the 60's and is now blossoming into a full-blown selfishness. Folks are being brainwashed into seeking 'their' happiness, 'their' career, loving themselves first. It's a me, me, me World. THIS is why we are suddenly seeing so many mass shootings, marriages failing, so much hatred, and so much finger pointing. Love ... the kind that puts others first ... is the ONLY answer. That true love can ONLY be found ONE place .... at the foot of Christ's cross. But mention that today, and watch the self-lover's blood begin to boil. It ain't all about you. Until you grasp that ... you'll find yourself constantly battling against yourself. You cannot save yourself.

Years ago (literally) I wrote a bunch of songs about my Christian faith. I even played in a Christian rock band for ten years. Now I ‘get’ that music is definitely not gonna save the world. Lotsa folks don’t even care for music. But for me, it’s important because it helps me to express things in a way I can’t normally do by just speaking. I think it allows me to say things I’m thinking without feeling like I’m coming across as Barney Fife.

Anyway … I recently opened up an old notebook of my original Christian songs and I began to read through the words I’d once written. Some were pretty good. Others … well … let’s just say that they were pretty awful. I started wondering why I ever even wrote some of them. But then it dawned on me that those old songs were many times written by me not necessarily as songs … but as prayers. So as I re-read the words, I started remembering times, places, and things that I once experienced. Some great. Some not so much. And I discovered that a BUNCH of ‘em were written AT me. It was almost as if ‘Someone’ was talking TO me through my own pencil.

As I worked my way through my note book …I began pulling out some of my better ones. I’m now 5 songs into my next recording and I cannot for the life of me understand why these never got recorded twenty years ago. Sure, some are ‘old style’, hard-hitting, classic rock. But the words speak .. at very least .. to me.

I hope to continue to add to this new collection as I discover other stagnant writings in my old notebook.

Hope You Enjoy these new 'old' songs!


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  • Writer's pictureAdmin

I just added a whole new album into my mix! If you get a sec, have a listen and let me know what you think. The new collection, 'Folk Stories', consists of some of my latest "easier listening" songs ... some love tunes, a few bluesy-folk songs, and a couple folk-rock compositions.

I'll be adding 'Folk Stories' onto Spotify, Apple, and Amazon Music shortly. Check for my current albums on those platforms. Some are listed under Ronny Starmer ... others under RD Starmer (it's a convoluted reason ... but it works for me!) But for now, you'll be the first to hear the new songs. Also check me out on ReverbNation!

Praying 2022 is treating everyone great!

As always .... THANK YOU for listening and supporting! .... Music with nobody listening is nothing at all.

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  • Writer's pictureAdmin

It looks like we are finally coming around the bend! Hopefully 2022 will be much better year for us all! During the downtime, I have to say that I accomplished quite a few "bucket list" items.

I finally completed the Christian Rock Opera that I have been talking about doing for thirty plus years! Little Timmy Thunder was completed last year, and it is now posted on my MUSIC page as well as on YouTube (just search for my name)

I also got to messing around and completed a Christmas album. Lamplighter is posted on my music page too. It's an instrumental album, with only one song on it where I am personally singing (for those who don't like my voice .. just skip over that one). I think that if you enjoy Christmas instrumentals, you'll find it nice to listen to during the season.

As I noted before, I also finished writing my first novel. Zuvia is available for download on Amazon. If you click on my BOOK page, you can get linked directly to it. It's a Fantasy Adventure about a group of strange beings discovered on a slice of land down in Alabama. As I was writing it ... I started humming a few tunes ... so I couldn't help myself when I turned those tunes into 2 Albums of original songs. Both coincide with my Novels. The Albums, Zuvia and Beyond The Shadow Mist are available here on this website, but if you prefer streaming on Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, or Deezer ... they are both there as well! In order to keep these 2 separated from my other music, you'll have to search for them under R.D. Starmer, instead of Ronny Starmer (like my other albums).

Finally, I was messing around with a couple of friend's guitars (I fix them) and while I had them in my possession, I laid down some tracks for another Rock/Blues type Album. Comin Home was posted on this site today for the first time. I'll have it out on Spotify soon.

As always, THANK YOU for stopping by and for taking time to listen and read. This year won't be as busy for me creative-wise as I truly hope to do some more traveling. I am in the process of writing the sequel to Zuvia ... which will be called, Beyond The Shadow Mist. My goal is to publish it sometime early next year (God willing and the creek don't rise!)

Hope everyone has a great year!

Ronny Starmer

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